1. Provide several forms related register section. 2. Manage about to enroll students and check their documents. 3. Perform student enrollment and trainee. 4. Manage to register each subject after overdue, dropped to study, returned to be student and report to related people. 5. Make electronic student cards. 6. Check student lists, without examination, take re-exam, instead to test, be out of student for reporting director and consider belong issue. 7. Coordinate with Evaluation section, provide Grade Point Average (GPA) and Percentile (PR) reports, present to other section. 8. Obtain the evaluation report each semester that the director already allowed and record into evaluation files. 9. Give service about evidence studies such as evaluation report, certificate, and another. 10. Obtain and provide all student petitions related register section such as to resign from being student, to drop, to transfer, to study in summer course and to change their names. 11. Send all reports about register section including to present the evaluation of graduated students for related section belong regulation. 12. Arrange to keep various of evidence register and another as necessity belong regulation. 13. Keep all documents for checking and destroy as regulation. 14. Coordinate with other section both inside and outside college. 15. Formulate an operation calendar, propose projects and report overall operations as sequenced. 16. Foster and maintain the college properties commissioned. 17. Perform other assignments relevant to its terms of reference.